Tell Uzunarab overview
Modern name(s) Tell Uzunarab
Region Levant
Section Northern Levant
Latitude 36.23479937 N suggest info
Longitude 36.2997852 E
Status Accurate location
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36.234799, 36.299785 === 36.234799 N, 36.299785 E === 36° 14' 5.3" N, 36° 17' 59.2" E
University of Uppsala
The Department of Linguistics and Philology is a part of the Faculty of Languages, and therefore within the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is responsible for research and education in African and Asian languages and cultures, the European classical languages, as well as linguistics and computational linguistics.
Olof Pedersén
Professor in Assyriology. His research has treated different central aspects of the use of written documentation within the older cultures in the Ancient Near East and the relation between the written and the material historical evidence.
Nearest sites Kunulua, Tell Ta'yinat, circa 7 km (4.4 mi) east
Ain el-Funaidiq, circa 8.7 km (5.4 mi) south-east
Alalah, Alalakh, circa 7.6 km (4.7 mi) east
Karatepe, circa 13.5 km (8.4 mi) north-east
Harim, Harem, Harrenc, circa 19.9 km (12.4 mi) east
Çatal Höyük, circa 23.1 km (14.4 mi) east
Esen Tepe, circa 27.7 km (17.2 mi) north-east
Akpinar Höyük, circa 30.1 km (18.7 mi) north-east
Bozhöyük, circa 45 km (28 mi) north-east
Al-Mina, Posideion?, circa 35.5 km (22.1 mi) south-west
Seleukia, Seleucia Pieria, circa 36.3 km (22.5 mi) west
Tell Qarqur (South), circa 54.9 km (34.1 mi) south
Mushabbak, circa 52.4 km (32.6 mi) east
Issos, Kinet Höyük, circa 70 km (43.5 mi) north
Dead Cities, circa 58.8 km (36.6 mi) east
Symeon, Qalat Siman, circa 50 km (31.1 mi) east
Tell Hzairin, circa 74.1 km (46 mi) south
Ain Dara, circa 55.4 km (34.4 mi) east
Ebla, Tell Mardikh, circa 66.1 km (41 mi) south-east
Girls Palace, Qasr al-Banat, Aldana, circa 67.9 km (42.2 mi) south-east
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Database ID 5651, created 24 Feb 2013, 10:55, Last changed 24 Feb 2013, 10:55