L'Anse aux Meadows overview
Other name(s) Meadows Cove
Modern name(s) L'Anse aux Meadows
Region North America : Sites+Landmarks
Latitude 51.59500722 N suggest info
Longitude 55.53313115 W
Status Accurate location
Info Viking village from around 1020 CE. A reconstructed longhouse and huts are close to the actual site.
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51.595007, -55.533131 === 51.595007 N, 55.533131 W === 51° 35' 42.0" N, 55° 31' 59.3" W
Pennsylvania State University
no source description available
Department of Anthropology
no source description available
Nearest site America's Stonehenge, circa 1527.1 km (948.9 mi) south-west
Database ID 3234, created 28 Sep 2024, 12:20, Last changed 28 Sep 2024, 12:20