Arch Creek Midden overview
Modern name(s) Arch Creek Midden
Region North America : Settlements
Latitude 25.90165735 N suggest info
Longitude 80.16353557 W
Status Accurate location
Info The Arch Creek Midden has barely survived the booming growth of Miami, and is now preserved in a park at North Miami and Biscayne Bay. The remaining midden is built up of oyster and conch shells, and was built by the Tequesta Indians from about 500 BCE. to 1500 CE.
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25.901657, -80.163536 === 25.901657 N, 80.163536 W === 25° 54' 6.0" N, 80° 9' 48.7" W
Pennsylvania State University
no source description available
Department of Anthropology
no source description available
Nearest sites Bimini Road, circa 89.9 km (55.8 mi) east
Alexander Springs Midden, circa 380.1 km (236.2 mi) north-west
Arrowhead Park Middens, circa 322.6 km (200.5 mi) north-west
Criel Mound, circa 1393.7 km (866 mi) north
Bay Pines Mound, circa 333.9 km (207.5 mi) north-west
Ocmulgee, circa 840.1 km (522 mi) north-west
Great Serpent Mound, circa 1490.9 km (926.4 mi) north
Woodview Petroglyphs, circa 2086.8 km (1296.7 mi) north
Database ID 2957, created 7 Nov 2010, 13:53, Last changed 3 Apr 2011, 14:54