Grave Creek Mound overview
Modern name(s) Grave Creek Mound
Region North America : Sites+Landmarks
Latitude 39.91688414 N suggest info
Longitude 80.74472752 W
Status Accurate location
External Links
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39.916884, -80.744728 === 39.916884 N, 80.744728 W === 39° 55' 0.8" N, 80° 44' 41.0" W
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Pennsylvania State University
no source description available
Department of Anthropology
no source description available
Web Grave Creek Mound at WV Culture
Nearest sites Alligator Effigy, circa 150.6 km (93.6 mi) west
Criel Mound, circa 190.7 km (118.5 mi) south-west
Mound City, circa 202.6 km (125.9 mi) west
Mound City Big Circle, circa 202.9 km (126.1 mi) west
Story Mound, circa 203.4 km (126.4 mi) west
Great Serpent Mound, circa 250.9 km (155.9 mi) west
Anderson Mounds, circa 415.9 km (258.4 mi) west
Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 2815, created 23 Nov 2014, 12:25, Last changed 21 May 2016, 18:57